segunda-feira, junho 07, 2004

QUANTAS VEZES ISTO TEM DE SER VERDADE? Para melhor efeito, recomenda-se a leitura muito tardia. Acessórios adequados:um whiskey, a madrugada a raiar, Billie Holliday a cantar Body And Soul na versão de 1957, com Ben Webster, uma vida parecida com a minha.

If hands could free you, heart

If hands could free you, heart,

Where would you fly?

Far, beyond every part

Of earth this running sky

Makes desolate?  Would you cross

City and hill and sea,

If hands could set you free?

I would not lift the latch;

For I could run

Through fields, pit-valleys, catch

All beauty under the sun--

Still end in loss:

I should find no bent arm, no bed

To rest my head.

Philip Larkin

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